Title: Eko Vibes
Genre: High Concept Drama
Length &format: Drama Series 6 X 48min
Target: 16-35 + Mainstream
Language: English/pidgin English, Yoruba French, Zulu English
Subtitles Main Themes: Ambition / Power / Love/ Betrayal Shoot
Location : Nigeria, South Africa, Ivory Coast, Uk,usa
What if the African entertainment industry becomes the battle ground for global dominace attracting multi-national companies and crime syndicates from across the Atlantic. What if, ‘ A Lagos Boys’ record label is the center of that battle and he is willing to do whatever it takes to beat them all.
EKO VIBES is a high concept drama series about the globally exploding African pop music industry led by the internationally celebrated Nigerian music scene. The show follows record label owner, TJ, on his quest to seal a multi -million record deal with an international distribution company. Standing in his way is his arch-rival Dipo, son of a billionaire dad awash with cash and no talent. Dipo will do whatever it takes to beat TJ to the deal, even if it means murder. And things take a turn for the worst when the girl Dipo is madly in love with, a fashion designer and daughter of a business tycoon, starts falling for TJ, sending Dipo into a ferocious spin.