Title: The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Genre: Psychological thriller
Running time: 90 mins
Target Audience: 16 to 65
Tag line: The only thing standing in the way of their goals is each other.
Log line: A young woman’s attempt to get the wife of the man she is having an affair with, to agree to a divorce, takes an unexpected turn when she discovers that she might just be a pawn in the wife’s malicious scheme.
Premise: What if a young mistress’s effort to negotiate a divorce between the man she is having an affair with and his estranged wife, leads to a treacherous cat and mouse game that raises the stakes far above that which she could ever have imagined.
Synopsis: When a young mistress tries to convince the estranged wife of the man she is having an affair with to grant him a divorce, she unwittingly steps into a diabolical scheme, hatched by the wife , that could see her end up in jail or even loose her life.